Comment 4 for bug 1450251

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teo1978 (teo8976) wrote :

> Launchpad isn't designed for bugs to have more than 1000 duplicates.

Well that's STUPID to begin with. For a bug to have several thousands duplicates is normal. Also, if it is not capable of handling that, it shouldn't allow that. If it allows it, it must handle it.

> when you mark a bug with 1000 duplicates as a duplicate of another bug, it has to also switch all 1000 duplicates over to the new master bug.

That's not the only case.
I have "moved" a few bugs that were dupes of A to dupes of B, because I couldn't mark A as dupe of B. Now, any attempt to mark any further bug X as dupe of B times out, even though X doesn't have any dupes . This cannot be justified by anything else than wrong designed. This should be a O(1). If it isn't, something is wrongly designed.

> so it does not perform well in the uniquely pathological case of bug #1268257.

"Uniquely pathological", Do you realise how idiotic that sounds? That is not something that was done on purpose for the sake of testing, that's something that naturally happened, because people use software and stumble into bugs, and they report them, and sometimes they are duplicates. And sometimes bugs are huge and hit millions of people. And with Ubuntu, that happens a lot.

There's nothing pathological about it, except for the magnitude of the bug. But if Launchpad has not been designed to handle bugs of such huge impact, then it's not a proper bug tracker for Ubuntu.