Comment 12 for bug 1331914

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Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) wrote :

I'm trying to update the signing key of this team:

I want to keep the same name/URL. If possible, I would also want to keep the PPAs and only update the signing key, but I don't see any progress on this issue...

So I'm thinking of performing the following actions as a workaround, which raise some questions:

1. Can I rename the team into e.g. ts-sch-gr?
2. Will the old PPAs still be usable under the new ts-sch-gr URL?
3. Can I then then create a new team with the old name,, or will it tell me "name already exists"?
4. If "yes to all of the above", I guess then the new team will have an rsa4096 key, and I'll be able to add new PPAs there, right?