Comment 7 for bug 130902

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

I think it would be more cluttersome than useful to include the name of the reporter in every bug notification. I'd rather the footer be shorter, not longer, and
    You received this message because you reported the bug.
is both shorter and more relevant to me than
    You received this bug notification because you are a direct subscriber
    of the bug.
(I guess this an example of how making an interface concise is harder than making it long-winded.)

Reporting many bugs is one way to forget that you're the reporter of a particular bug, but not the only way. Another way is to report a bug and have it responded to months or years later. Launchpad could do various things to make that less likely, but I don't think there's any reasonable way Launchpad could make it never happen.