Comment 0 for bug 124325

Revision history for this message
Mary Gardiner (puzzlement) wrote :

When a bzr repo is upgraded, the old version info is backed up to .bzr.backup.

When using tab completion to remove this directory though, "rm -rf .bzr.backup" has an unfortunate tendency to become "rm -rf .bzr", occasionally resulting in a user deleting their version control info rather than its backup copy.

There are two times when a user tends to delete .bzr.backup. The first is unproblematic: immediately after a successful repository upgrade. In this case, if .bzr is accidently deleted, the user can restore .bzr/backup to .bzr, re-upgrade and done. However, the second is on the *next* upgrade (if .bzr.backup is still around, the upgrade will fail and ask for .bzr.backup to be deleted) which could be after some considerable time and any number of changes: a bad time to delete .bzr by accident!

Suggested fix: the backup directory should not begin with .bzr.