Comment 0 for bug 1064555

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Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

For a brief time on qastaging:
Blueprint information portlet shows the text "edit" next to the icon because the anchor's style has display:inline. This contradicts the action-icon class which sets the display to inline-block. If this is caused by javascript trying to change the link's visibility, it the script needs to add/remove the hidden class as is done by all other launchpad scripts.

/me searches code for inline and icon
Ah! why don't we see their error more often?
I see lib/lp/app/javascript/choiceedit/choiceedit.js is setting style when we want to toggle class:
    this.get('editicon').setStyle('display', 'inline');
I would have thought I would be seeing this broken in many places. This is the only case of icons and inline that I see in the code, but there are several cases where none, inline, and block are used and assume the thing is one of those types. Maybe we want to forbid calling
    .setStyle('display', 'XXX');
and instead require toggleClass('hidden')