Comment 6 for bug 1034

Revision history for this message
Stuart Bishop (stub) wrote :

> When you say "Roundup solves this by having one inbound
> email address" what do you mean by "inbound email address"?

All email into a Roundup system is sent to a single email address. Roundup then files the messages appropriately by sniffing the In-Reply-To: header.

Email into Malone is currently sent to many addresses. Emails are filed appropriately by sniffing the To: header.

So Roundup has a single inbound email address. Malone has MAXINT inbound email addresses.

The trivial solution you talk about (which is what Roundup uses) only creates difficulties on our system because we are just removing the UNIQUE clause on Message.rfc822messageid so it is now trickier to determine the parent message purely using the in-reply-to: header.