Comment 1 for bug 1999415

Revision history for this message
John Chittum (jchittum) wrote :

most images using livecd-rootfs include udev, dbus, and a kernel of some sort during the bootstrap phase. Turns out, as a step during the lb_config phase, a series of cleanup actions are taken:

add_chroot_hook update-apt-file-cache
add_chroot_hook update-apt-xapian-index
add_chroot_hook update-mlocate-database
add_chroot_hook remove-dbus-machine-id
add_chroot_hook remove-openssh-server-host-keys
add_chroot_hook remove-udev-persistent-rules

These hooks exist in upstream live-build, which Ubuntu syncs source:

These steps are run after lb_bootstrap during lb_config, before lb_hooks. buildd is a special beast, as its seeds do not contain udev , dbus, or a kernel. buildd was originally designed to run in a container, and didn’t have requirements for those items. however, Bootable Buildd, as a virtual machine, installs them during a the build hook

What ends up happening is the cleanup of /var/lib/dbus/machine never occurs in buildd. and that’s a problem.

We should also check the other cleanup scripts in referenced in livecd-rootfs, pull from live-build. They may be causing other issues with the bootable buildd images.