Comment 4 for bug 1825869

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Bombo Mustapha (luckyelms) wrote :

If what you say is true then its truly disappointing:

on this page:
you offer two installation Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS and Ubuntu Server 19.04.
I have downloaded those two versions, then afterwards tried to install landscape. It resulted in both failures. Moreover as long as you have internet connection Ubuntu will update itself to a version that you say isnt supported.

And you are wrong about Landscape server being only available for LTS releases, and the latest one is bionic, also called 18.04. check here and tell me if this isnt version 19.01:

sudo add-apt-repository --update ppa:landscape/19.01

I have wiped my HD like 4 times just to see how landscape and each time its down a rabbit hole.
Another question, why would canonical offer Ubuntu 19.04 server and landscape 19.01 only to tell us they are not compatible?
Moreover, you offer little or no enough information on the intricacies of landscape. How does a person tell which version goes with which and why offer incompatible versions within the same pages. Its all bells and whistles yet everything depends on luck to work!!

I have tried zentya, clearOS, Univention. All these claim to manage linux workstations. None has passed the bar. I have connected windows machines to linux ldap domain servers and i have failed to add linux machines to the same!!
And now i have to answer to management what's the point switching to free software if we cant even manage similar to windows AD.

And why is it possible to install landscape on a Ubuntu-18.04.2 and yet you claim its not possible?

The claim that Linux/ubuntu is a possible windows replacement is a lie.