Comment 1 for bug 1045374

Revision history for this message
Chris Glass (tribaal) wrote :

Thanks a lot for your detailed bug report!

We will work on the issue and figure out what the best way to deal with monitoring unmounted autofs mounts, but the fix might take a little while to be packaged and included in the official repositories for 12.04.

In the mean time, one way to work around the problem is to specify the list of monitor plugins to use in your landscape client config file (/etc/landscape/client.conf):

monitor_plugins = ActiveProcessInfo, ComputerInfo, HardwareInventory, LoadAverage, MemoryInfo, ProcessorInfo, Temperature, PackageMonitor, UserMonitor, RebootRequired, AptPreferences, NetworkActivity, NetworkDevice

For reference, this is the complete list of plugins, with the "MountInfo" plugin removed.

This furthermore made us realize some config options (such as this one) are missing from the man page - this is now tracked in #1045426