Comment 5 for bug 1283014

Revision history for this message
Thorsten Glaser (mirabilos) wrote :

Can you sudoedit /usr/bin/pinentry-kwallet and change the line “iodebug=0” to “iodebug=1”, then retry, then take the file ~/pinentry-kwallet.debug, check that it does not include any actual password of yours (but do not modify it otherwise, just change any password to the equivalent number of ‘X’es) and send them to me?

That would help debugging it.

Also, does the following sequence of commands work?

$ pinentry -e foo -f bar -p baz
$ echo "<$(pinentry -e foo -f bar)>"

This should output “<baz>”. If it doesn’t, your KDE Wallet is not set up correctly.

In KDE 4, the default settings of kwallet are worse than in KDE 3. There is an option that says something like “close the wallet after the last application using it quits”. Disable that. To configure the KDE Wallet, click the KDE Wallet icon in the systray (if you have it; Unity and GNOME 3 both hide that), or run “kwalletmanager --show”, possibly after “pkill kwalletmanager”.