Comment 1 for bug 1684504

Revision history for this message
MarginHu (margin2017) wrote :

my destroy operation is as following:

[root@kola bgi]# ./
Destroy Kolla containers, volumes and host configuration : ansible-playbook -i /etc/kolla/ansible/inventory/openstack -e @/etc/kolla/globals.yml -e @/etc/kolla/passwords.yml -e CONFIG_DIR=/etc/kolla /opt/kolla-openstack/kolla-ansible/ansible/destroy.yml

PLAY [Apply role destroy] ******************************************************

TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [kode0]
ok: [kode4]
ok: [kode5]
ok: [kode3]
ok: [kode2]
ok: [kode1]

TASK [destroy : Creating /kolla-cleanup/tools directory on node] ***************
ok: [kode4]
ok: [kode1]
ok: [kode0]
ok: [kode5]
ok: [kode3]
ok: [kode2]

TASK [destroy : Copying file] ***********************
ok: [kode2]
ok: [kode0]
ok: [kode1]
ok: [kode4]
ok: [kode5]
ok: [kode3]

TASK [destroy : Copying cleanup-containers file] *******************************
ok: [kode1]
ok: [kode2]
ok: [kode4]
ok: [kode0]
ok: [kode5]
ok: [kode3]

TASK [destroy : Copying cleanup-host file] *************************************
ok: [kode2]
ok: [kode1]
ok: [kode4]
ok: [kode5]
ok: [kode0]
ok: [kode3]

TASK [destroy : Copying cleanup-images file] ***********************************
skipping: [kode1]
skipping: [kode0]
skipping: [kode2]
skipping: [kode4]
skipping: [kode5]
skipping: [kode3]

TASK [destroy : Destroying all Kolla containers and volumes] *******************
changed: [kode5]
changed: [kode3]
changed: [kode4]
changed: [kode2]
changed: [kode0]
changed: [kode1]

TASK [destroy : Removing Kolla images] *****************************************
skipping: [kode0]
skipping: [kode1]
skipping: [kode2]
skipping: [kode4]
skipping: [kode5]
skipping: [kode3]

TASK [destroy : Destroying Kolla host configuration] ***************************
changed: [kode0]
changed: [kode1]
changed: [kode2]
changed: [kode5]
changed: [kode4]
changed: [kode3]

TASK [destroy : Destroying kolla-cleanup folder] *******************************
changed: [kode2]
changed: [kode0]
changed: [kode4]
changed: [kode1]
changed: [kode5]
changed: [kode3]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
kode0 : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
kode1 : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
kode2 : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
kode3 : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
kode4 : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
kode5 : ok=8 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0