Comment 3 for bug 1648745

Revision history for this message
Martin André (mandre) wrote :

@Jeffrey: the containers are built using the koji build system. We generate Dockerfiles for each of the images using the "kolla-build --template-only" command. We also pass it with a number of overrides to disable the external repos and registration, see for example the file we're using upstream for centos [1], our downstream override is consuming the same file plus some other stuff specifically for rhel. Finally we build all the containers in isolation. So it's important for us to keep the 'rhel' base distro so if needed we can have:

{% if base_distro in ['rhel'] %}
  Do RHEL specific stuff
{% endif %}

But the rhos repos and subscription management are not used. We're removing it all with:

{% block base_rhos_repo_enablement %}
{% endblock %}
{% block base_rhel_package_installation %}
{% endblock %}
