Comment 0 for bug 1637928

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Vu Nguyen Duy (CBR09) (nguyenduyvu099) wrote :

I've installed OpenStack newton with kolla, everything work fine, but I want to integrate neutron with opendaylight, so I had to set openvswitch's manager to ODL controller, I had to docker exec into openvswitch-vswitchd or openvswitch-db-server and ran "ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:x.x.x.x:6640" (x.x.x.x is IP of ODL controller), but nothing happen, no log. I've just have:
(openvswitch-db)[root@abc /]# ovs-vsctl list manager
_uuid : c0c22173-18af-4fac-8237-8c2c6be06db9
connection_mode : []
external_ids : {}
inactivity_probe : []
is_connected : false
max_backoff : []
other_config : {}
status : {}
target : "tcp:"

Someone told me due to selinux but I don't know how to turn off selinux in kolla openvswitch container (setenforce command not found). Beside I tried to run another ubuntu 16.04 container, installed openvswitch and ran set-manager, it worked. I wonder how can I set-manager to ODL container in kolla openvswitch container?. How can I debug?