Comment 4 for bug 1629729

Revision history for this message
Takashi Sogabe (sogabe) wrote :

Sorry for wrong information about version number of python-rfc3986.

python-rfc3986 could not handle URI which has '-' characters in case of older versions of python-rfc3986 than 0.3.0.

In release notes of python-rfc3986(
> 0.2.2 – 2015-05-27
> Update the regular name regular expression to accept all of the characters allowed in the RFC. Closes bug #11 (Thanks > Viktor Haag). Previously URIs similar to “” would be considered invalid.

I tested with yesterday's version of kolla-kubernetes, and nova-api did not installed in nova-api.

$ kubectl exec nova-api-3662253284-8fl4q -- rpm -qa | grep rfc3986

I will re-check with today's version of kolla-kubernetes.