Comment 1 for bug 1628572

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halfss (ljvsss) wrote :

heat need 'python-croniter' work with cidr

(kolla-toolbox)[ansible@kolla-test ~]$ heat stack-create -f test.yaml test
WARNING (shell) "heat stack-create" is deprecated, please use "openstack stack create" instead
ERROR: Property error: : : "" does not validate net_cidr (constraint not found)

which test.yaml contain this:
    type: string
    description: CIDR of private network
    type: string
    description: CIDR of private network
    type: string
    description: Public network
    default: ext-net

    type: OS::Neutron::Subnet
      name: {get_param: subnet_name}
      tenant_id: {get_resource: experiment_project}
      network_id: { get_resource: experiment_net }
      cidr: { get_param: net_cidr }
      gateway_ip: { get_param: net_gateway }