Comment 0 for bug 1855877

Revision history for this message
Wojtek Rakoniewski (enter2608) wrote :

I'm using kolla-ansible, designate from stable/train

1. "Designate" to work requires pool of DNS Servers.
2. Kolla-ansible creates /etc/kolla/designate-worker/pools.yaml file witch following content:
- name: default-bind
  id: 387cb738-5fd3-5a4a-b3a6-c018cc7c084e
  description: Default BIND9 Pool
  attributes: {}

3. pool "id" is defined globally in passwords.yml, variable designate_pool_id
4. the same "id" is also used in designate.conf, content:
default_pool_id = 387cb738-5fd3-5a4a-b3a6-c018cc7c084e

5. kolla-ansible updates pools here: kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/designate/tasks/update_pools.yml
but this do not take effect - nothing happen, pools are not defined because of "designate-manage" work flow

6. latest "designate-manage" work as following:
- if pool id is defined in pools.yaml it looking for existing pool with that id and then update it if exists, never creates new pool.
- if pool id is not defined in pools.yaml it looking for existing pool with defined name and update it if exists. If pool does not exists, **creates it**.

7. after "Designate" installing empty pool named 'default' exists, with auto generated id

8. In my opinion kolla-ansible should work as following:
- do not use pool id defined in passwords.yml
- should read 'default' pool id from "Designate" and use it in place of designate_pool_id. I'm doing it manually and it works for me.
