Comment 12 for bug 1867013

Revision history for this message
zhangss (intentc) wrote :

(virtualenv) [root@openstack01 ~]# openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary | Host | Zone | Status | State | Updated At |
| 10 | nova-conductor | openstack02 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:04.000000 |
| 28 | nova-conductor | openstack01 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:03.000000 |
| 34 | nova-conductor | openstack03 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:03.000000 |
| 46 | nova-scheduler | openstack02 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:03.000000 |
| 67 | nova-scheduler | openstack03 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:02.000000 |
| 88 | nova-scheduler | openstack01 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:01.000000 |
| 115 | nova-consoleauth | openstack02 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:02.000000 |
| 118 | nova-consoleauth | openstack01 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:16:56.000000 |
| 121 | nova-consoleauth | openstack03 | internal | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:02.000000 |
| 199 | nova-compute | openstack05 | nova | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:04.000000 |
| 202 | nova-compute | openstack04 | sr-iov | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:03.000000 |
| 208 | nova-compute | openstack01-ironic | nova | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:16:58.000000 |
| 211 | nova-compute | openstack02-ironic | nova | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:16:59.000000 |
| 214 | nova-compute | openstack03-ironic | nova | enabled | up | 2020-03-19T10:17:02.000000 |
Bellow openstack03-ironic node is my openstack controller node(physical machine),if i want to use ironic service,i have to modify [ironic:children] and [nova-compute-ironic:children] field in inventory(multinode file)?
for example some new baremetal node that haven't no use node? beacuse i can't find some explain about these fileds.