Comment 1 for bug 1864856

Revision history for this message
Kevin Zhao (kevin-zhao) wrote :

hard to reproduce....
The procedure:

and run Kolla deploy all-in-one.

After that, create Octavia network:

openstack network create lb-mgmt-net
openstack subnet create --subnet-range $OCTAVIA_MGMT_SUBNET --allocation-pool start=$OCTAVIA_MGMT_SUBNET_START,end=$OCTAVIA_MGMT_SUBNET_END --network lb-mgmt-net lb-mgmt-subnet

openstack security group create lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 lb-mgmt-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 9443 lb-mgmt-sec-grp


openstack security group create lb-health-mgr-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port $OCTAVIA_HM_LISTEN_PORT lb-health-mgr-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port $OCTAVIA_AMP_LOG_ADMIN_PORT lb-health-mgr-sec-grp
openstack security group rule create --protocol udp --dst-port $OCTAVIA_AMP_LOG_TENANT_PORT lb-health-mgr-sec-grp

MGMT_PORT_ID=$(openstack port create --security-group lb-health-mgr-sec-grp --device-owner Octavia:health-mgr --host=j12-d05-07 -c id -f value --network lb-mgmt-net octavia-health-manager-standalone-listen-port)

MGMT_PORT_MAC=$(openstack port show -c mac_address -f value $MGMT_PORT_ID)

MGMT_PORT_IP=$(openstack port show -f yaml -c fixed_ips $MGMT_PORT_ID | awk -v IP_VER=$SERVICE_IP_VERSION '{FS=",|";gsub(",","");gsub("'\''","");for(line = 1; line <= NF; ++line) {if ($line ~ /^.*- ip_address:/) {split($line, word, " ");if ((IP_VER == "4" || IP_VER == "") && word[3] ~ /\./) print word[3];if (IP_VER == "6" && word[3] ~ /:/) print word[3];} else {split($line, word, " ");for(ind in word) {if (word[ind] ~ /^ip_address=/) {split(word[ind], token, "=");if ((IP_VER == "4" || IP_VER == "") && token[2] ~ /\./) print token[2];if (IP_VER == "6" && token[2] ~ /:/) print token[2];}}}}}')

# jump to the container ovs_vswitchd
ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port br-int o-hm0 -- set Interface o-hm0 type=internal -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:iface-status=active -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:attached-mac=$MGMT_PORT_MAC -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:iface-id=$MGMT_PORT_ID -- set Interface o-hm0 external-ids:skip_cleanup=true

# Then dhcpclient : change to outside docker
sudo ip link set dev o-hm0 address $MGMT_PORT_MAC
sudo dhclient -v o-hm0