Comment 3 for bug 1693014

Revision history for this message
Andrew Bruce (andybrucenet) wrote :

Thank you for the quick response!

While it's fine with me that the kolla-ansible team decided that ml2_conf.ini is not needed (and I did see some IRC conversation on this), this change introduced breaking compatibility problems between kolla-ansible and kolla-kubernetes.

I understand these are two different efforts. However, keep in mind that for us end-consumers there is only *one* Kolla Bare Metal Deployment Guide ( And in that Guide, we find instructions to use kolla-ansible as part of the Kubernetes deployment.

As it is - the Kolla bare-metal process as currently written will fail when the Neutron agent containers (l3-agent, dhcp-agent, etc.) try to start. They get stuck in "Init" phase. The underlying Kubernetes logs clearly show that a configMap key is missing.

Specifically: the Bare Metal Deployment Guide instructs us:

>Generate the default configuration:

> sudo kolla-ansible genconfig

So kolla-ansible - according to the bare-metal build guide - is used to generate files which are later used by kolla-kubernetes.

Under the kolla-kubernetes file system, we find:


 21 apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
 22 kind: DaemonSet
 23 metadata:
 24 name: neutron-dhcp-agent
 25 labels:
 26 component: neutron
 27 system: dhcp-agent
117 - name: neutron-dhcp-agent-configmap
118 configMap:
119 name: neutron-dhcp-agent
120 items:
121 - key: neutron.conf
122 path: neutron.conf
123 - key: config.json
124 path: config.json
125 - key: ml2-conf.ini
126 path: ml2_conf.ini
127 - key: dhcp-agent.ini
128 path: dhcp_agent.ini
129 - key: dnsmasq.conf
130 path: dnsmasq.conf

Plus, other commands for neutron-dhcp-agent throughout this file reference (and assume the existence of) ml2_conf.ini.

So, please advise me how I can notify the correct persons of this discrepancy. As a consumer, I simply want the deployment to work.