Comment 11 for bug 593962

Revision history for this message
Wayne Stambaugh (stambaughw) wrote :

@Neels, I have a few comments on your changes.

1. As Orson stated, please fix your coding policy[1] violations. We now have a way to check coding policy violations for changes during git commit(see section 1.3). You may not want to run this on files generated by wxformbuilder.

2. I prefer that we do not add a new section just for ratsnest settings. Given that rats are associated with nets, I would prefer that we add the visibility, visibility while dragging, and the color options to the net definition. This would require only a single new file token "show_while_moving". This would make the net format where tokens with brackets[] are optional and are default when not defined:

  (net 1 +5V [hide] [show_while_moving] [color(r,g,b,a))

3. I may have missed it but any time you make a file format change, you must bump the file revision which is just a date time stamp in pcbnew/kicad_plugin.h.

I haven't actually tested the patch so I cannot comment on the dialog layout but the issues above will have to be changed before this can be merged. Also, this is slated for version 6 so it will have to wait until after 5.1 is branch before it can be merged.
