Comment 4 for bug 1853756

Revision history for this message
Holm Tiffe (holm-h) wrote :

Yes, the 304 Driver may be released in 2013, but the last revision from this driver is from 2017 (304.137) and this is installed.

Besides of this, is it really neccessary to always use the last available Hardware for an job that can be done with older Hardware too? I have to buy a new System every 3 days, or what? It worked flawlessly until April as your say, April 2019 may similar to my experiences.
I'm using Unix systems since they are not that bloated as windows is.
I had running not the KiCad Release in the past, but some Git Revisions (FreeBSD Port kicad-devel) and assumed that my problems are related to this, but the problem exists in the release too.

>The last change to the shader code happened in April 2019 and it doesn't require anything the FX >4500 can't do - so it's either an issue with your system or it's finally the time to get a new >graphics card...

Tom.. if the changes on the code doing nothing that the FX4500 can't do..then this problem is clearly a bug in the code, isn't it?

Don't know if KiCad would run under windows on this machine, I don't use windows besides on some business related notebooks.

@Seth: It isn't relevant what you have an experiences on other hardware, I have 2nd FreeBSD System
with an simple GeForce GT730 and the 340.107 driver and there is OpenGL working with KiCad.
The Xserver Code from FreeBSD and the one that Debian is using shouldn't differ that much.

I can write, debug and compile some C-code and I'm a FreeBSD Sysop for almost 30 years, but I have no clue about OpenGL or Vertex Shaders. I have no idea where to start debugging here.
Do you have at least some (interesting) hints?

