Comment 17 for bug 1835296

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Holger Vogt (h+vogt) wrote :

The original post says that a seg fault ocurred in ngspice function MIFsetup.

0 libngspice.0.dylib 0x000000011a962c5d MIFsetup + 109

This function is responsible for setting up XSPICE models. These are used for example in polynomial voltage sources (the ones applying the POLY statement), often used by OpAmp models. OpAmps are used in the sallen-key and laser driver examples, but not with rectifier.

Unfortunately the crash info does not tell me where exactly the crash happened. There have been some changes to MIFsetup between ngspice-26 and ngspice-30, but they seem to be syntax changes, not functional changes. For example a macro has been used to hide some list processing.

Might it be possible to obtain a debugger output telling me which line in the mifsetup.c file is causing the crash? Obviously this does not happen with the Windows builds, and I haven't heard about complaints from the Linux community.