Comment 6 for bug 1829981

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Dino Ghilardi (dino-ghilardi) wrote :

I agree, it is not a dialog, but in my mind "ESC" is a shortcut to "cancel", and I find it useful and faster to use it to exit dialogs (or tools).
On a viewer may be it is better having also the ESC key available since there is no danger of loosing some data cancelling an operation.

Also I expect that a user is not used to think if the open "sub-window" is a dialog or a tool: ESC should do the same on every "window" it makes sense to (as in viewers where pressing it by mistake does not cause loss of work) (Yes, it is the same mistake I did considering it a dialog)

In eeschema in most of the "sub-windows" ("dialog" or "tools with the [cancel] button" in eeschema) ESC does the same: "dont'save and close window", so I'd like being able to close the symbol browser in this way too.

P.S., by the way,
tools->Assign footprints: has a cancel button but ESC does not close the window: it seems the shortcut is missing there: do you think I have to file a bug for that?
