Comment 13 for bug 1823165

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Cassady Roop (cassady.roop) wrote :

I am also experiencing this bug. I am running KiCad version 5.1.0, release build; wxWidgets 3.0.4 Unicode, Boost 1.69.0. My OS is Linux/Antergos, which reports platform as Linux 5.0.6-arch1-1-ARCH x86_64.

I have not noticed any obvious pattern to the incidence of the bug, and I do not know how to trigger it. It appears to occur randomly immediately after a save operation is initiated, but before it completes - so the bold-ed state of all the text objects gets saved to the file. It happens to me about once per day. I tend to place a lot of notes on my schematics so hunting down every text object, editing it, clicking Style:Normal or Style:Italic, and clicking 'OK' becomes painful quickly.

Graphic Text and Net Label items are affected. I do not know if Global or Hierarchical Labels are affected; I have not used any recently. Symbol properties such as RefDes and Value, including manually added notes, are not affected. Affected text will have its bold property set: if it was 'normal' it becomes 'bold'; if it was 'italic' it becomes 'bold and italic'. Text content and size is unaffected.

I'm not sure when the bug appeared because this is my first project in a while. I began to notice it last week, maybe 3 April? So far I have only used the schematic editor and symbol library editor on this project; I have not even opened the layout editor. This is a brand-new project, started on KiCad 5.1.0.