Comment 3 for bug 1821475

Revision history for this message
Rene Poeschl (poeschlr) wrote :

Additional info by the original author:


The schematic was drawn from scratch in Kicad 5.02 (Linux Mint 19.1) BUT the arduino part with components was imported in an empty schematic, saved in Kicad format and then added to the mouseoleum schematic.

After that I replaced ALL parts with newly made parts because the parts I use for Veecad need a specific FOOTPRINT label.

Also most parts were rewired.

Then I read of problems in Kicad with ERC when IC’s have other labels than ‘PASSIVE’ so I changed all pins to passive.

A lot of tinkering within the schematic so maybe that’s the source of the problem although it should be possible to to that.