Comment 18 for bug 1778203

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Maciej Suminski (orsonmmz) wrote :

Wayne, I am afraid it will take a lot of time. All machines I have handy (including a Macbook) display the board correctly even on integrated GPUs, so all I can do is to blindly throw patches at the problem and that is never fast or efficient. The discussed issue does not cause a crash and the board is still editable with Cairo, though I admit it is not very convenient with 6 layers.

Most likely it is a problem of lacking video memory or poorly implemented video driver, especially that the OP is able to load other, simpler boards. A potential solution involves rendering engine optimization which I would rather avoid in such late stage of the development cycle. Anyway, optimization will let us handle slightly complex boards with the same video card, but you will always find a design that will torture a video card.

Nikolas, could you try what Seth and I have suggested? Did you try unfilling the zones (please save and reload the board after doing so) or exporting gerbers and loading them in gerbview? It is an important data point for us.