Comment 24 for bug 1771424

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eelik (eelik) wrote :

Taking rotation out of the Move dialog(s) and making it a dedicated dialog would at least help with one ambiguity. "I’d rather do something in several steps with a simple and clear interface" - yes, and a dedicated Rotate dialog would help with that.

But I, too, can't understand why you didn't succeed in a simple movement. Personally I wouldn't even try the Position Relative To dialog, it's useless IMO. Please see the attached screenshot of the Move Exactly dialog. If you have those options - there's actually nothing but "Move Relative To: Current position" to check, and AFAIR it's checked by default unless you have chosen something else - it does exactly what you want. It just moves the selected items 2mm right and 1mm down. No orbital calculations or anything, and no bugs. It has worked every time I have used it.

Your screenshots showed the beginning and the end of the situation, but not what you actually did. If you still believe there's a bug in the Move Exactly dialog, show what you did. A screencast is the most accurate because then it's impossible to guess wrong or miss anything, but even static screenshot of the dialog before clicking OK would be good.

(BTW, I got the one video downloaded and played it. As far as I can see it's just static situation where a yellow selection box is visible, there's no action at all. If the video is what you intented, then we didn't understand each other at all and were talking about different things. But I don't think it matters because cursor wasn't the point at all and there's no need to discuss about it further.)