Comment 12 for bug 1771424

Revision history for this message
Novak Tamas (novak-7) wrote :

For me Ctrl-M seems to work fine with x-y relocations. (I never tried rotating here as it's original function is Move).
Ctrl-R is a real mess. One strange but easy to understand thing is rotating directon: CCW=positive , and CW=negative.

See my video: board top left is at (0;0), size is x=65 y=36mm.
When I Ctrl-R the whole board with parameters all 0, board's top left point (0;0) goes to +32.5 and -18.75999. These coordinates are almost half board: it seems moving is defined somehow by the coords of the center of the bounding rectangle (with little Y error)

Center point of bounding box is +32.5; +18

Now top left goes from (0; 0) to (+32.5; -18.....)

Changed Y direction explains opposite CW/CCW