Comment 3 for bug 1753362

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Kevin Cozens (qq3dh7wn6set-fehmn-mm0v6n6x10rb) wrote :

I was testing out the "lock orientation" feature. I can see it being useful but there are some implementation details about the feature that could be improved.

1. The setting text uses the word "lock" in a way that is not consistent with other uses of the word. It wasn't clear to me from the text beside the check box as to what was meant by "orientation".
  I think a better label would for the setting would be "Auto rotate text".
2. I discovered the "lock" is per text element and not per footprint
  Does this make sense? For the value and reference text why would you want only one to be "locked" and the other not?
3. If text orientation is "locked" why should you still be allowed to toggle text rotation between 0 and 90 degrees?
  If a footprint is locked you can't move it without being asked if you are sure you want to do that. If the value and reference text is being "locked" I would expect that it could not be rotated manually until it is unlocked.
4. If text orientation is "locked" then the Footprint Text Properties dialog box should disable all Orientation options other than the ones actually allowed while it is locked. If the text is fully locked then all options in the dialog box
 should be disabled.
5. Sideways text is only readable from the right side of the page and not the left side.
  I have a board with the bottom of the board along the left-side of the page. The "lock orientation" feature forces the text base line to be towards the right side of the page. That means it is upside down by default and I would have to go about unlocking a whole pile of value/reference text labels and flip the text 180 degrees to make it so the text base line is on the left side. That's a lot of work. An option is need that says whether the sideways text is rotated +90
or -90 degrees.