Comment 29 for bug 1740952

Revision history for this message
Seth Hillbrand (sethh) wrote :

That compiled.

Renaming works. No crashes.

Renaming a symbol that has aliases does not work correctly (I think) but it doesn't crash. If there are aliases, we get (renaming 2N2646 to 2N2646a)

/home/seth/code/kicad/orsonmmz/eeschema/libeditframe.cpp(607): assert "alias != __null" failed in OnUpdateViewDoc(): Alias "2N2646" not found in symbol "2N2646a".

Then we are presented with the dialog asking whether we want to remove conflicting aliases. If we click "No", then the symbol is not renamed. If we click "Yes", the symbol is renamed but all the aliases are deleted.

This is definitely a different bug but if you're squashing at the root, it may make sense to handle this issue at the same time?