Comment 11 for bug 1740022

Revision history for this message
Oivind Toien (otoien) wrote :

I see, I was going to suggest that the option to install environment variables should not be ticked on as default during install then, at least in the Windows version. If off users might then understand it is special option [only intended for developers].

I did a test install of the latest (2017-12-26 revision 90818afed) in a clean VM with only the footprint wizard option ticked on. However the base resulting KiCad share path (C:\msys64\mingw64\share) differ from that of the standard KiCad install (C:\Program Files\KiCad\share), so if this is going to work, one would if possible need to fix the default install paths so that those installing libraries with KiCad in the program folder have a correct paths predefined when system environment variables have not been installed.

Another idea is that if the library installs becomes a separate process, the library installer would define these paths for the kicad settings accordingly.