Comment 19 for bug 1630676

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Wayne Stambaugh (stambaughw) wrote : Re: [Bug 1630676] Re: Simulator freezes until return is pressed in terminal


Thank you for supporting KiCad. One of our goals with the introduction
of simulation in KiCad is to match the feature set of LTSpice. I know
that is a pretty ambitious goal but it's something a lot of our users
have been asking for. It's good to know we have some support from the
ngspice maintainer. I wish we had this kind of support from our other
dependency library maintainers. Orson is the developer who wrote the
simulator so I appreciate you working with him to help improve our

I discovered the configuration issue on windows. Currently when on
building ngspice on windows with msys2, the system spinit file is not
read from its default location (${install_path}/share/ngspice/scripts)
and even if it did, the paths in the default spinit file are unix paths
not windows paths so the .cm files cannot be found. I resolved this
issue by copying a modified spinit file with the correct windows paths
to the same folder where the libngspice.dll file resides and that fixed
the issue. The problem is this requires the user to configure this by
hand which I would rather they didn't have to. Any help in resolving
this would be helpful.

One other minor off topic issue is that by default, ngspice installs the
dev header files in $prefix/share/ngspice/include/ngspcine instead of
$prefix/include/ngspice so packagers have to patch the header file to install the headers in the proper folder. Fixing
that would be helpful as well.

I've only just started converting some of my ltspice simulations over to
KiCad. So far it's mostly just test fixtures for op-amps but hopefully
of the next few months I will convert so of my more complex simulations
to start pushing our simulator capabilities.

Thank you for efforts with the ngspice project.



On 10/14/2016 2:29 AM, Holger Vogt wrote:
> Wayne,
> to introduce myself:
> I am ngspice maintainer for more than 15 years now.
> I have created shared ngspice.
> Your activities seem to be the first serious effort using this
> development. I appreciate this very much, because it may open up a large
> new user group for ngspice.
> I am interested in learning about proper usage of ngspice.dll and
> improve it if suitable.
> Please let me know if any support is required.
> Best regards
> Holger