Comment 6 for bug 1577324

Revision history for this message
Novak Tamas (novak-7) wrote : Re: eeschema: make posible to change a position of vertical label relative a wire

Now I see. Your attached lables.png is deceptive: x and y should be rotated.

You want something like my attached jpg.
If label orientation is "up", the anchor of label (small black rectangle) is on the bottom right, so if you place the anchor on the wire, label will be to the left of the wire.

You may need to re-position the anchor from bottom left (at normal left-to-right label position) to top left.
Label properties window needs an additional radiobutton group like "Anchor position". The only problem, that in normal view the label's anchor is not displayed, so it would be hard to realise which label belongs to a particular wire if there are multiple parallel wires.