Comment 1 for bug 1520416

Revision history for this message
paulo_souza (paulojas) wrote :

I have tested Kicad 4.0.0 RC2 x64 on Windows 7 professional 64 and this issue don´t occurred. Using "Append with Wizard" in PCB Table Library, in library path the environment variable KISISMOD stays in parethesis "(KISISMOD)" rather than in brace {KISISMOD}. In ft-lib-table file (in ...\AppData\Roaming), i noted that path stays also in quotations marks, and have two backslashs after KISISMOD rather than one.


I used the "Append with Wizard" to include Diodes_ThroughHole, below.

  (lib (name Capacitor5x11RM2.5)(type KiCad)(uri ${KISYSMOD}\Capacitors_ThroughHole.pretty)(options "")(descr ""))

  (lib (name Diodes_ThroughHole)(type Legacy)(uri "$(KISYSMOD)\\Diodes_ThroughHole.mod")(options "")(descr ""))