Comment 6 for bug 1463857

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PCB Wiz (1-pcb-wiz) wrote :

#5 > To help on the "e" issue, I managed to get it to work just fine with a little creativity,

Does that mean this is now possible ?

If not, an alternative approach to handling this issue, would be to modify Gerber Plot, so you can select multiple layers, and tag one as Plot Negative. (%LPC*% negative plot is appended /done last)

Thus you place negative text on a special layer, plot both F.Cu (std positive) and then Cmts.User (append, negative)
Any gerber viewer that can handle the %LPC*% Negative will show the text.

Only user caution, is the text should be entirely within a filled zone (which is the whole point).

Google finds KiCad pcbnew already uses %LPC*% (laser plot clear) to wipe any silk text off pads.
- ie this is not adding a new command.