Comment 3 for bug 1420714

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Blair Bonnett (bcb) wrote :

Thanks for adding that information.

> Are you asking me to test every dialog in every program in the
> KiCad suite? If you are just asking if there are counterexamples,
> then yes

Yeah, I was wondering if there were counterexamples. I should have been clearer with the question -- glad you didn't try all dialogs!

This appears to be a OSX bug in wxWidgets: -- if there is a button with wxID_CANCEL, it gets triggered by Cmd-C and closes the dialog.

Having said that, the design rules editor in PcbNew does seem to have such a button but doesn't respond to Cmd-C on your system. I wonder if the Cmd-C event is prevented by something else on the dialog?

Anyway, as a non-OSX person this is all just speculation on my part. I might ping the OSX developers on the mailing list and see if they can see any reason for this behaviour, and if there is any workaround we can apply until wxWidgets is fixed.