Comment 42 for bug 1056926

Revision history for this message
Nick Østergaard (nickoe) wrote :

Sorry for the late response, but testing with the zone-cutuout-test-empty-ne.brd file. I get the following behaivour.

On 5307 with boost 1.57.
When I open the file, the cutout is filled, that is non empty as expected. I can add a _keepout_ including the copper areas, which will make a hole in the copper, but the _cutout_ which is added with the normal zone tool, by right clicking the zone and going to Zone -> Add Cutout Area , will not be filled.

On 5308 with boost 1.57.
Here the _cutout_ seem to work just fine (remeber to refill when adding a cutout or to see the original one).

So Jean-Pierre your commit in 5308 seems to fix this issue at my end again.

I guess this can be marked as fix comitted again, but I will wait for LordBlick to answer also.