Comment 7 for bug 1892852

Revision history for this message
Sergio Morant (smorant) wrote :

I will try to clarify as much as possible this issue. To answer Jeremy's question in #5, the summary is right but I need to add that this feature (lbaas) is not enabled in the cluster. That's why there is a 404 message.

I answer to Gage comment in #6, we are also confused. Our team has check quite a while on internet because we were pretty sure the issue, if not related to an exotic setup, should be known by now. The complementary information I can provide is :
* We have two clusters running train version and the issue is present in both of them
* We have several clusters in Ocata version with the same monitoring setup and we haven't experienced the issue so far.

I don't know how much the keystone setup itself may impact this behavior, and I would like to avoid messing up things. However I will point out that we have added in Train deployment an identity federation setup in keystone with OIDC and Keycloak as authentication backend for cluster users. From my point of view this shouldn't impact Neutron's authentication, but this is the only tunning we made with respect to default authentication setup and is the main change with regard to the Ocata's deployment which use LDAP as authentication backend for cluster users.

Please, let me know if we can provide you any traces or cluster configuration information that could help understand what is going on.

Best regards