Comment 17 for bug 968696

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Arvind Tiwari (arvind-tiwari) wrote :

My suggestion to fix this issue

The biggest problem here is “roles name is global and keystone can no differentiate foo(Admin) vs bar(Admin)“ that is why Admin on a project become is admin on keystone resources (prject,users, group….) too.

This issue is mainly due to insufficiency of role data model which is nothing but just a name and there is no way we can define same role name for different services.

1. Keystone should register itself in keystone along with other services and has given some name unique service_id. (e.g. keystone or identity=100 , NOVA=110 and Swift=120) (chicken and egg problem but can be done through system bootstrap)

2. Role definition should be scoped to a service_id, so that every service can create their own role.(e.g. Admin(100), Admin(110) and Admin(120)).

3. Role definition should have some info (may be a flag like for_non_project_use_only=true) to guide role assignment logic, so that certain role can/can’t be assigned to a project. (e.g. Admin(100,true), Admin(110,false) and Admin(120,false))

4. There should be validation in role assignment based on role definition’s for_non_project_use_only filed, so that non_project roles can’t be assigned to a project.

5. Based on scoping (domain/project) Token response should return role list with service_id (e.g. [Admin(110), Admin(120)])

6. Service scoped Auth (token) request should also be provided.

7. For any keystone API calls, internal user credential (which is used to validate against policy) should have role with service_id (e.g. [Admin(110), Admin(120)])

8. Keystone policy which considers role should also add “service_id” in policy (e.g. "identity:create_project": ["role:Admin and service_id:%(100)s"])
  8.1 Note: target.service_id should be always 100 because we are operating on identity API, that means the target is controlled by identity(100) service.
  8.2 For identity:create_project API call if user have “Admin(110)” (admin role scoped to a project) wd not satisfy "role:Admin and service_id:%(100)s" policy