Comment 0 for bug 1616424

Revision history for this message
Dave Chen (wei-d-chen) wrote :

For the access token request, if the signature is not valid, it will raise TypeError exception.

2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi File "./keystone/common/", line 227, in __call__
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi result = method(req, **params)
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi File "./keystone/oauth1/", line 309, in create_access_token
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi params = oauth1.extract_non_oauth_params(b)
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi File "./keystone/oauth1/", line 108, in extract_non_oauth_params
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi return {k: v for k, v in params if not k.startswith('oauth_')}
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
2016-08-23 16:45:19.705 5202 TRACE keystone.common.wsgi

If the provided consumer does not exist, it will throw NotImplementedError exception to show that dummy_client is not implemented.

All these exception is not properly handled, end user doens't know anything from these exception message. It should be Unauthorized exception raised.