Comment 8 for bug 1587777

Revision history for this message (eblock) wrote :

We were finally able to take a closer look into this issue, and we found a bug in the install guide for openSUSE/SLES [1]. But it's not only a missing memcached configuration (if you change the CACHE LOCATION in the dashboard section of the install guide).
In our Liberty/Mitaka keystone.conf we used these memcache settings:

---cut here---

# Memcache servers in the format of "host:port". (list value)
servers = localhost:11211
---cut here---

and the default memcached settings:

---cut here---
control1:~ # cat /etc/sysconfig/memcached
## Path: Network/WWW/Memcached
## Description: start parameters for memcached.
## Type: string
## Default: "-l"
## Config: memcached
# start parameters for memcached.
# see man 1 memcached for more
---cut here---

So it was not wrong as it's not deprecated yet:

---cut here---
# This option is deprecated for removal since O.
# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
# Reason: This option has been deprecated in the O release and will be removed
# in the P release. Use oslo.cache instead.
---cut here---

But as soon as we switched to oslo.cache and used

memcache_servers = localhost:11211 (or

the performance increased significantly! Instead of loading times of 30 seconds and more (or worse, gateway timeouts for /admin/instances) the pages load within a few seconds now, 8 to 10 seconds for /admin/instances. I still think this is a bug... Anyway, now you know.
