Comment 0 for bug 1260080

Revision history for this message
Morgan Fainberg (mdrnstm) wrote : Trustee token revocations with memcache backend

When using the memcache token backend, In cases where token revocations (bulk revocations) that rely on the trustee's token-index-list to perform the revocations - the revocations cannot occur. This is because trustee tokens are added only to the trustor's token list. This appears to only be an issue for trusts with impersonation enabled. This is most noticeable when the trustee user is disabled or the trustee changes a password. I am sure there are other related scenarios.

Example reproduction -

Create the trust:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST -d '{"trust":{"impersonation": true, "project_id": "9b2c18a72c8a477b891b48931c26cebe", "roles": [{"name":"admin"}],"trustee_user_id":"36240e5f6ed04857bf15d08a519b6e37","trustor_user_id":"46c9e36c50c14dfab36b6511d6ebedd4"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

    "trust": {
        "expires_at": null,
        "id": "0d2dc361043d4f9d8a84a7f253e20924",
        "impersonation": true,
        "links": {
            "self": ""
        "project_id": "9b2c18a72c8a477b891b48931c26cebe",
        "roles": [
                "id": "0bd1d61badd742bebc044dc246a43513",
                "links": {
                    "self": ""
                "name": "admin"
        "roles_links": {
            "next": null,
            "previous": null,
            "self": ""
        "trustee_user_id": "36240e5f6ed04857bf15d08a519b6e37",
        "trustor_user_id": "46c9e36c50c14dfab36b6511d6ebedd4"

Consume the trust:

vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ cat trust_token.json
    "auth": {
        "identity": {
            "methods": [
            "token": {
                "id": "<PKI TOKEN ID>"
        "scope": {
            "OS-TRUST:trust": {
                "id": "0d2dc361043d4f9d8a84a7f253e20924"

curl -si -d @trust_token.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:35357/v3/auth/tokens


    "token": {
        "OS-TRUST:trust": {
            "id": "0d2dc361043d4f9d8a84a7f253e20924",
            "impersonation": true,
            "trustee_user": {
                "id": "36240e5f6ed04857bf15d08a519b6e37"
            "trustor_user": {
                "id": "46c9e36c50c14dfab36b6511d6ebedd4"
        "catalog": [
           ... <SNIP FOR BREVITY>
        "expires_at": "2013-12-12T20:06:00.239812Z",
        "extras": {},
        "issued_at": "2013-12-11T20:10:22.224381Z",
        "methods": [
        "project": {
            "domain": {
                "id": "default",
                "name": "Default"
            "id": "9b2c18a72c8a477b891b48931c26cebe",
            "name": "admin"
        "roles": [
                "id": "0bd1d61badd742bebc044dc246a43513",
                "name": "admin"
        "user": {
            "domain": {
                "id": "default",
                "name": "Default"
            "id": "46c9e36c50c14dfab36b6511d6ebedd4",
            "name": "admin"

Check the memcache token lists, the admin user should have 1 token (used to create the trust), the demo user should have 2 tokens (initial token, and trust token)

vagrant@precise64:~/devstack$ telnet localhost 11211
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
get usertokens-46c9e36c50c14dfab36b6511d6ebedd4
VALUE usertokens-46c9e36c50c14dfab36b6511d6ebedd4 0 104
get usertokens-36240e5f6ed04857bf15d08a519b6e37
VALUE usertokens-36240e5f6ed04857bf15d08a519b6e37 0 34

This does not affect the SQL or KVS backends. This will affect Master (until KVS refactor is complete), Havana, and Grizzly. The reason for this occurring is a lack of testing against the memcache backend itself (and it’s logic). With the refactor of KVS (keyvaluestore) it will ensure the testing is the same against all KVS (memcache, in-memory, redis, etc) backends since the interfaces work in the same manner/mechanism.

The root of this issue stems from the old KVS and SQL systems being less strict on matching trust scoped tokens:

Whereas memcache needs to use the user-index to determine tokens for a given user before matching against the trust scope: