Comment 1 for bug 1113146

Revision history for this message
Jay Buffington (jaybuff) wrote : Re: Tests failing due to cache set

I suspect the CI tests on succeeded because it is using keystoneclient 0.2.2 rather than the latest from git.

Commit 3dfb8437 in keystoneclient introduced a flag called _use_keystone_cache in keystoneclient/middleware/ (in _cache_store):

        # we need to special-case set() because of the incompatibility between
        # Swift MemcacheRing and python-memcached. See
        if self._use_keystone_cache:

That flag is set to false in the keystone tests even though they are using "FakeMemcache" which should use the time= kwarg rather than timeout.

Since LP 1095730 has been resolved I think the _use_keystone_cache flag can be removed altogether and this integration bug between keystone and keystoneclient will be resolved.