Comment 8 for bug 812360

Revision history for this message
C de-Avillez (hggdh2) wrote :

I do not see the issue on KVM i386.

For completeness, on all tests I also saw this error -- which I assumed to be a coding error on QRT:

/proc/$pid/ DAC bypass on setuid (CVE-2011-1020) ... (skipped: not fixed before Oneiric yet) FAIL

FAIL: /proc/$pid/ DAC bypass on setuid (CVE-2011-1020)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 1339, in test_101_proc_fd_leaks
    self.assertShellOutputContains(bad[name], ['sudo','-u',os.environ['SUDO_USER'],"sh","-c","echo '' | ./ %s" % (name)], invert=expected)
  File "/home/ubuntu/qrt-test-kernel/", line 903, in assertShellOutputContains
    self.assertTrue(text in out, msg + result + report)
AssertionError: Got exit code 10. Looking for text " 0x"
Command: 'sudo', '-u', 'ubuntu', 'sh', '-c', 'echo '' | ./ syscall'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 37, in <module>
    files[name] = file('/proc/%d/%s' % (target, name))
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/18730/syscall'
(current) UNIX password: passwd: Authentication failure
passwd: password unchanged
Changing password for ubuntu.

Ran 49 tests in 28.108s

FAILED (failures=1)