Comment 41 for bug 596327

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Adam Stylinski (kungfujesus06) wrote :

Piotr, I'm not sure dpkg will allow you to do that as they have conflicting sonames when the shared libs are installed. I'm sure there's a way to put it under a different prefix if you did it by hand, but I'm not too terribly certain there's a clean way to not replace the old exiv2 with debian's testing .deb. In any case, anything linked against exiv2 (perhaps GNOME related applications) will most probably break by doing this.

 I don't understand why a special PPA hasn't been made yet or this isn't in maverick-proposed at least. Hopefully when Ubuntu puts out the rolling release distribution repo we won't have to deal with this API versioning rules nonsense anymore. I understand why it's there, major versions signify binary incompatibility, but it has to happen between releases anyway in a less frequent manner.