Comment 62 for bug 510018

Revision history for this message
In , Moritz-kdebugs (moritz-kdebugs) wrote :

Thiago, your approach appears to be not very practical - just closing wontfix does not make KDE a workable GUI for beginners today - the minimum I would expect before this bug is closed would be proper error reporting - ie KDE should not say xyzfile not found, but it should upon detecting files that are not readable due to encoding errors tell the user that KDE has detected a problem with the encoding and suggest how to fix this - ideally this would be done from within KDE. Just saying file does not exist after you listed it is just REALLY REALLY bad program behaviour. In KDE-3 that kind of crap would not have been tolerated as a regression over a previous version.

Reporting bugs has become really annoying over the last 2 years with many valid bugs being closed with arguments that have nothing to do with a good user experieince, which is what KDE should be about (and has been in the past).