Comment 129 for bug 510018

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In , Ivo Anjo (knuckles) wrote :

This issue can be triggered via any program that writes non-utf8 filenames to a utf-8 filesystem without proper conversion. Unzip likes to do that one.

- Hello! Notice I'm the original reporter of this bug.
- It's not true that you can't use other languages correctly. Thiago Macieira, the very often quoted Qt developer that maintains the code and says he's not going to change it, also speaks Portuguese, so he knows that the world isn't all ASCII.
- It's been said other times in this thread but I'll say it again: the issue has been reported, and the developers understand it, how it happens, when, and why. They just think that fixing this bug takes lots and lots of work and code changes, and so don't want to work on it.
- So the thing is, this bug at this point only serves to wait for someone who fixes this and adds a patch. Adding more reasons and angry comments doesn't add anything, and, in fact, is the main reason why the developers don't even read this bug report anymore. (I do though!)