Comment 11 for bug 770428

Revision history for this message
Chris Rossi (chris-archimedeanco) wrote :

I have created a tool like the one described above. It can be tested on staging by sending an email to this community:

There is now a new karlserve command, 'create_mailin_trace' which is used to configure the mailin trace tool:

osfkarltest@osfkarltest10 ~/staging/branch1 $ bin/karlserve create_mailin_trace --help
usage: karlserve create_mailin_trace [-h] instance community file

positional arguments:
  instance Instance name.
  community Community name.
  file Path to file to touch when a tracer email is received.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help show this help message and exit
osfkarltest@osfkarltest10 ~/staging/branch1 $ bin/karlserve create_mailin_trace osf mailin-trace ~/staging/branch1/var/mailin.trace
Added mailin trace tool at: /communities/mailin-trace/blog
The mailin trace file is: /srv/osfkarltest/staging/branch1/var/mailin.trace
You must restart the mailin daemon in order for the new settings to take effect.

Note that the tool will disappear and need to reconfigured on staging after every nightly sync.

It is assumed that generating the tracer email and setting up the monitor in production are tasks for OSF and gocept respectively.