Comment 4 for bug 409466

Revision history for this message
Shane Hathaway (shane-hathawaymix) wrote :

I don't see a problem with IE6 anymore. My test is as follows.

1) I created a file called bugtest.html, which loads CSS from

2) I started "tcpdump -n -i wlan0 port 80", which shows all important HTTP traffic to/from my computer.

3) I opened bugtest.html in the ies4linux version of IE6.

4) Once the page loaded, I looked at the output of tcpdump. If any packets were transferred to/from, the test failed. If no packets were transferred, the test passed.

When the Vary header was present, the test always failed. Once I configured Apache to not send the Vary header to IE6, the test always passed. I concluded that I had fixed the bug. I confirmed this again today.

Perhaps we're seeing a proxy issue. If the HTTP proxy replaces the User-Agent string, Apache might have no way to know that the client is running IE6.