Comment 0 for bug 331042

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Paul Everitt (paul-agendaless) wrote :


Convert the IMailer dummy implementation to a repoze.sendmail queue that is drained by a console script.


KARL3 has a bunch of communities (projects). You an add existing KARL3 users to your community. You can also invite a new user to join your community and thus KARL3. Both of these user stories result in sending an email to the person.

The Invite New User screen/view can be reached by:

- Go to http://localhost:6543/communities/default

- Most likely, get redirected to login then redirected back

- Click in the "Members" link above the green Edit box, taking you to Go to http://localhost:6543/communities/default/members

- Click the "Invite New" action in the green actions box.

- Put your email on a line in the text area, type in a short message, then click submit.


Here are some starter points on knowing your way around the code:

- The view that implements this is in karl.views.members.invite_new_user_view

- This line sends the mail:

  mailer.send(info['mfrom'], to_email, message, info['subject'])

- The IMailer utility is implemented in karl.utilities.mailer

- ISettings provides the mail server location. It is controlled using the standard BFG ISettings concept, which means the knob is in etc/osi.ini.


- Re-implement the Mailer class to use repoze.sendmail and a queue

- Make sure the console script in bin correctly drains the queue and reports any errors

- Consider moving the ILogger out of the views and into the Mailer.send method

- Make sure the logger is wired up appropriately

- Document (and email Paul) how the script runs that drains the queue, any configuration, etc.